brand new ebook out today!

"My boyfriend looks at porn, and I don't know what to do.  Can you help me?"

I get some form of this question all the time from young women.  

I've been told, "I googled 'Christian boyfriend, porn, dating' and your name came up."

I've written one whole article about this at Covenant Eyes, so I think my googlability on this is a testimony to the gigantic hole in our helping net around this topic.

So I decided to do something about it!  Up at Amazon this morning, Porn and Your Boyfriend.

This short ebook (no paper copy, just Kindle format) is designed to empower young women to make healthy choices in their dating relationships.  Not tell them what to do.  Just give them information, ideas, resources, and the confidence to decide for themselves how they'd like to deal with this.

If you're a single woman out in the dating world, I wrote this for you because it breaks my heart when girls like you are crying in my office over this issue.  

If you're the parent of daughters, I wrote this for you, so you'll have a resource to share with your daughter.

If you're the parent of sons, I wrote this for you, so you'll have a resource for your son's girlfriend.  The conversation starters might even help you talk to your sons about this topic.

What I'm doing right here, right now, is called a "soft rollout" also known around the Bruner household as "normal rollout" or "whatever, I wrote it, maybe somebody will buy it someday."  

In a couple of weeks, though, it's going to be promoted on the Covenant Eyes blog where there are lots and lots of readers.  It would be awesome to have some reviews up by then.

So, if you get it and read it, please please please write a review so other people will know that it's worth reading.

I promise it is!!

(And, I just have to say, CUTEST COVER EVER ON A PORN BOOK!!!  The lovely and talented Dani Munoz arted that right up for us.  I love it so much!  And I just noticed that it color-coordinates with As Soon As I Fell.  Let's pretend I planned that.)

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