Baby Bird #3 is poised on the cusp of the nest this week. He graduates from high school Wednesday night. And while I love and adore all four of my children, and am endlessly proud of who they are and what they are doing with their unique and powerful young selves--well, this particular week with this particular child is particularly sweet.
Because when you've had the word "disability" applied to your child at an early age, watching him soar is like no other feeling on earth.
This is the child who didn't hit the scope and sequence the way we thought he would.
This is the child who got held back, who wondered why he was older than everybody in his class.
This is the child who finally learned to read at age 10.
This is the child who still needs to talk his ideas out, before he can get them down on paper.
This is the child who is graduating, with a bunch of AP credits, in the top 7% of his 750+ member class.
This is the child headed into a prestigious university program that, even two years ago, we would never have imagined.
This is the child who has inspired me for years, with his hard work and dogged determination.
This is the child who never gives up.
Disability, my behonky.
So go ahead, baby bird.
Show us what you got.
We are prepared, as always, to be amazed.